Glimmerglass Opera Home Page

The Alice Busch Opera Theater,
home of Glimmerglass Opera

Glimmerglass Opera
Cooperstown, NY

Special Events, 1999

Summer Seminar Weekend
Celebrate Central Park, August 12th - 15th

Main IndexSummer Seminar Weekend, August 12-15

Celebrate Central Park
Robert Beaser/Terrence McNally

Deborah Drattell/Wendy Wasserstein

Michael Torke/A.R. Gurney

Three one-act operas
in a triple bill co-commissioned by
Glimmerglass Opera,
New York City Opera,
Thirteen/WNET's "Great Performances"

Featured speakers include:
Conductors Jane Glover, George Manahan, Stewart Robertson
Artistic Director Paul Kellogg, Director of Productions John Conklin
Special guests: Joseph Kerman, author, Opera as Drama
and the Central Park creators.

T h u r s d a y

Venetian censors forced Verdi to rework the libretto for Rigoletto, claiming it insulted a sovereign. He had already turned Victor Hugo's monarch into a duke, but this was not enough. 5 pm talk by Joseph Kerman, author of Opera as Drama, and Rigoletto conductor George Manahan. Dinner after. In The Thaw Pavilion, followed by the 8 pm performance of Rigoletto.

F r i d a y

"A certain Mozart in Vienna has dared to profane my play...using it as text for an opera." Harsh words by the playwright whose work was adapted by librettist Gottlieb Stephanie for Mozart's singspiel The Abduction from the Seraglio. 4 pm Young Artist Recital followed by a 5 pm seminar on the singspiel with Joseph Kerman, both at Fenimore Art Museum. 6:30 pm Turkish dinner in The Thaw Pavilion followed by 8 pm performance of The Abduction from the Seraglio.

S a t u r d a y

1640/1999 - II Ritorno d'Ulisse to Central Park Maestros Jane Glover (Ulisse) and Stewart Robertson (Central Park) compare the first century of opera to opera at the turn of the 21st century. Artistic Director Paul Kellogg relates the creative evolution of Central Park. At The Farmers' Museum. 9:30 am breakfast buffet, 10 am seminar followed by lunch on the lawn of Fenimore Art Museum and the 1:30 pm performance of Central Park at the Opera. 8 pm performance of II Ritorno d'Ulisse in Patria.

S u n d a y

Celebrate Central Park - Historical "tour" of the New York City landmark and discussion by Central Park creators and Director of Productions John Conklin. 9:30 am breakfast buffet, 10 am seminar. The Farmers' Museum. For full weekend participants: brunch at the home of Paul Kellogg follows. 2 pm performance of Rigoletto at the Opera.

Full weekend package $425 (deduct $50 if you are unable to attend Thursday events). Includes all events Thursday evening through Sunday brunch and a 3-day pass to the Fenimore Art Museum and The Farmers' Museum ($150 tax-deductible)

Saturday seminar only $60 (includes luncheon)

Sunday seminar only $35

Additional events:

Saturday evening pre-opera picnic $25 (includes full bar)

Sunday evening concert $10 

For reservations please call Joan Desens at 607-547-5704 ext 212. 

Opera tickets sold separately through subscription series S or J.  Please call the Glimmerglass ticket office at 607-547-2255.

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Network Home Page Main Index The Glimmerglass Opera Home Page is presented on The Cooperstown Network, an online guide to Cooperstown's organizations and activities.

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