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A Dutch Treat
76 Fair St
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-8323

A Village B/B
27 Pioneer Street
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-7216

A Wooden Tulip Apt.
17 Walnut Street
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-2409

Adalaide Country Inn
RR 3 Box 304-K
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-1215

Anastasia's B/B
PO Box 928
Richfield Springs NY 13439
(315) 858-2870

Angelholm B/B
14 Elm St
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-2483

Applefield Guest Houses
RD1 Box 124A
Oneonta, NY 13820

Apartment at Moon Dreams(The)
137 Main Street
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-9432

Aunt Jane's Victorian Manor B/B
88 Chestnut St
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-2560

Baseball B/B
54 Chestnut St
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-5943

Berrywick II
RR2 Box 486
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-2052

Brook Willow Farm Guest House
RR2 Box 514
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-1234

Brown Williams B/B
RR 1 Box 337
Cooperstown, NY NY 13326
(607) 547-5569

PO Box 188
Springfield Center NY 13468
(607) 547-9375

Cat's Pajamas B/B
RR 1 Box 98
Milford NY 13807
(607) 286-9431

Chalet Waldheim
RR 1 Box 51-G-2
Burlington Flats NY 13315
(607) 965-8803

Cherry Cottage
4 Pine Blvd
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-4401

Chestnut Street Guest House
79 Chestnut St
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-5624

Clausen Farms B&B
PO Box 591
Sharon Springs NY 13459
(518) 284-2527

Country Hills B/B
RR 1 Box 80
Mohawk NY 13407
(315) 866-1306

Country Manor B/B
PO Box 1457
Richfield Springs NY 13439
(315) 858-2561

Country Meadow Inn B/B
PO Box 355
Milford NY 13807
(607) 286-9496

Creekside B&B
RR 1 Box 206
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-8203

Eagle's Rest
15 Eagle Street
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-2804

Edgefield B/B
PO Box 152
Sharon Springs NY 13459
(518) 284-3339

Edwards B/B
83 Chestnut St
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-8514

Ellsworth House B/B
52 Chestnut St
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-8369

Five Gables B&B
489 East Main St.
West Winfield NY 13491
(315) 822-5764

Gray Goose B/B
RR 1 Box 21
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-2763

Green Apple Inn B/B
81 Lake Street
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-1080

J P Sill House B&B
63 Chestnut St
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-2633

Jones House, The
64 Grove Street
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-5547

Lakeside B/B
RR3 Box 312-H
Richfield Springs NY 13439
(315) 858-3307

Lindsay House B/B
56 Chestnut St
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-5618

Litco Farms B/B
PO Box 1048
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-2501

Lost Pond Farm
PO Box 104
Hartwick NY 13348
(607) 293-6019

Lyoncher B&B
8 Eagle St
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-2709

Main Street B/B
202 Main St
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-9755

Maple Shade B/B
RR 1 Box 105A
Milford NY 13807
(607) 547-9530

Middlefield Guest House
RR 4 Box 614
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 286-7056

Nelson Avenue Pines B/B
20 Nelson Ave
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-7118

Nineteen Church Street B/B
19 Church St
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-8384

Old Stone House B/B
PO Box 229
West Winfield NY 13491
(315) 822-6748

Old Story Tavern B/B
RR 1 Box 319
Cherry Valley NY 13320
(607) 264-3354

Overlook B/B
8 Pine Blvd
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-2019

Pathfinder Village Inc
RR 1 Box 32A
Edmeston NY 13335
(607) 965-8377

Phoenix on River Road B/B.The
RR 4 Box 360
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-8250

Plane Old House B/B
RR 4 Box 623
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 286-3387

Serendipity B/B
RR 2 Box 1050
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-2106

Spencer House B/B The
RR 1 Box 65
Milford NY 13807
(607) 286-9402

Strawberry Hill Farm B/B
RR 3 Box 245
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-8619

Starry Night Bed & Breakfast
H 32 Collins Drive
Oneonta, NY  13820
(607) 432-4978  

Sunny Slope B/B
RR 3 Box 255
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-8686

TJ'S Country Inn
PO Box 310
Springfield Ctr NY 13468
(315) 858-0129

Thistlebrook B/B
RR 1 Box 26
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-6093

Toad Hall B/B The
RR 1 Box 120
Fly Creek NY 13337
(607) 547-5774

Whisperin Pines B/B
RR 3 Box 248
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-5640

White House Inn
46 Chestnut Street
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-5054

Wild Turkey Farm B/B
RD 1 Box 121B West Hill Rd
Worcester NY 12197
(607) 397-1805

IndexLodgings -- Summer Weekly Rentals

Applefield Guest Houses
RD1 Box 124A
Oneonta, NY 13820

Fly Creek House Rental

Sleepy Hollow Weekly Rental

Kosmer House
77 Beaver St, Cooperstown, NY 13326

West Burlington "Getaway" Apartment
Route 80, West Burlington, NY 13482


Lodgings -- Campgrounds

Belvedere Lake CG
RR 1 Box 205
Cherry Valley NY 13320
(607) 264-8182

Cooperstown Beaver Valley CG
PO Box 704
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 293-7324

Cooperstown Famous Family CG
RR 3 Box 281
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 293-7766

Cooperstown KOA
RR 2 Box 88
Richfield Springs NY 13439
(315) 858-0236

Cooperstown Ringwood Farms CG
RR 2 Box 721
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-2896

Cooperstown Shadow Brook CG
R.R. 2 Box 646
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 264-8431

Jellystone Park at Crystal Lake
111 East Turtle Lakes Rd.
Garrattsville, NY 13342
Reservations (800) 231-1907 or  (800) 558-2954 (#149)
Other Information (607) 965-8265

Meadow-Vale Camp
RR 1 181B
Mt Vision NY 13810
(607) 293-8802

Abbey's Cottage
5 Susquehanna Avenue
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-2263

Kranitz Cottage
RR 1 Box P
Richfield Springs NY 13439
(315) 858-2869

Viek Log Cabin
RR2 Box 941
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-5154

Bourdon Tourist
60 Susquehanna Ave
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-9387

Brookfield Cottages
PO Box 742
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-2517

PO Box 188
Springfield Center NY 13468
(607) 547-9375

PO Box 528
Cooperstown NY 13326
(888) FLD-FARM (353-3276) or (315) 858-0295

Lake & Country Cottages
RD 1 Box 18
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-2479

Otesaga Resort Hotel
PO Box 311
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-9931

Aalsmeer Motel
RR 2 Box 790
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-8819

Baseball Town Motel
61 Main St
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-2161

Bassett House Inn, The
32 Fair Street
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-7001

Bay Side Inn & Marina
RR 2 Box 788
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-2371

Best Western Motel
50 Commons Drive
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-9439

Brookside Motel
RR 1 Box 171
Milford NY 13807
(607) 286-9821

Cooper Inn
PO Box 311
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-2567

Cooperstown Motel
Chestnut & Beaver Streets
Cooperstown NY 13326-1201
(607) 547-2301

Country Comfort Motor Inn
RR2 Box 309-B
Sharon Springs NY 13459
(518) 284-2069

Deer Run Motel - Cooperstown
7480 State Hwy 80
Cooperstown, NY 13326

Information 607-547-8600
For Reservations Only dial 888-838-DEER (3337)

Fieldstone Farm Resort
PO Box 528, Cooperstown, NY 13326
(888) FLD-FARM (353-3276) or (315) 858-0295

Glimmerglass Motor Inn
PO Box 399
Springfield Ctr NY 13468
(315) 858-2777

Hickory Grove Motor Inn
RR 2 Box 896
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-9874

16 Chestnut St, Cooperstown, NY 13326

K C'S Corner Motel
PO Box 83
E Springfield NY 13333
(607) 264-3401

Knott's Motel on the Lake
RR 1 Box 190
Oneonta NY 13820
(607) 432-5948

Lake Front Motel
10 Fair St
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-9511

Lake N' Pines Motel
RR 2 Box 784
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-2790

Lake View Motel
RR 2 Box 932
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-9740

Major League Motor Inn
PO Box 141
Fly Creek NY 13337
(607) 547-2266

Mohican Motel
90 Chestnut St.
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-5101

Oasis Motor Inn
340 Chestnut Street
Oneonta NY 13820
(607) 432-6041

Overlook Mansion/Inn
1 Overlook Lane
Little Falls NY 13365
(315) 823-4222

Redwood Motel
RR 4 Box 518B
Oneonta NY 13820
(607) 432-1291

Ringwood Farms Lodge
RR 2 Box 721
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-2896

Sharon Springs Motel
RR 1 Box 266
Sharon Springs NY 13459
(518) 284-2114

Sleeping Lion Motel
PO Box 102
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-9015

PO Box 1466
Richfield Springs NY 13439
(315) 858-9929

Terrace Motor Inn
RR 2 Box 1038
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-9979

Tunnicliff Inn, Inc
34-36 Pioneer St
Cooperstown NY 13326
(607) 547-9611

The Village Motel
PO Box 766
Richfield Springs NY 13439
(315) 858-1540